Wednesday 23 January 2013

Don't let a Bully win

Everyone at least one time in their will come across a bully, who will verbally or physically abuse people. People only abuse, for they have insecurities and feel the need to make others feel weak, for they believe it will help their self esteem. This doesn't always help, so they will continue this abuse until finally they feel satisfied. What they don't realise though is the affect their actions have on others. The words she said about others shouldn't be said for now they have left people in a bad way.

Even the smallest amount of words can ruin a persons day, and its not right that people should be allowed to feel this way. For as a teenage girl we go through many fazes of hating ourselves and appearances, having these thoughts yourself that you are ugly or fat are bad enough, without other people saying it to. I don't believe that anyone has the rights to tell people these comments and hurt them, for no one is perfect everyone has imperfections. For if you allow these negatives to build up, you can be left in a very bad place which in a number of cases can lead to self harm! 

Tonight two of my best friends where treated like shit by this self obsessed girl in my year. ,In one night the bully called one of my friends fat, which is the biggest lie ever as she has such a nice body and is an amazing tennis player. The other friend was called ugly yet she is one of the prettiest people I know, whilst the last friend was called a whore, which she is not at all. Comments like these hurt, they have the ability the attack your weak spot and that is exactly what a bully want they want to feel superior. What i've learnt tonight is to ignore those horrible comments for the bully will eventually give up and will learn from the mistakes. 

Don't let them have the satisfaction of  hurting you!

Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve someone pushing you, hitting you, teasing you, talking about you or calling you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad. If you are being bullied you don't have to put up with it - you can talk to someone about it.

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